2 min read

Between Springs & Life

Between Springs & Life

According to NITI Aayog, there are approximately
200,000 springs scattered across these lush hills and valleys. In places like
Dima Hasao, more than 70% of rural households depend directly on these
springs for their everyday water needs. Springs provide fresh water and are a vital part of the hydrologic cycle. They feed rivers, wetlands, and lakes and help balance dry-season water levels. I was shocked to know that the communities are now complaining of a depletion of springs, thus leading to reduced discharge in stremas, which is impacting them in ways beyond imagination.

In places like Dima Hasao, more than 70% of rural households depend directly on these springs for their everyday water needs.

Around 50% of the springs in Northeast India are either drying up or
experiencing a significant reduction in their flow. As much as it is an environmental concern, it is also effecting the socio-economic conditions of communities subsisting on Springs. Women and children, who are often responsible for collecting water, now have to travel longer distances. This takes a toll on their health and limits time for education or other productive activities. Farmers who rely on springwater for irrigation are struggling with reduced yields, which threatens food security and livelihoods. Animal rearing, which is a water-intensive activity, is also under threat due to reduced water in streams.

At least 3000 community members reside in 8 villages of Umrogso, through which more than 27 major and minor stremas are originated. The lives of these community members are directly involved with the streams.

At least 3000 community members reside in 8 villages of Umrogso, through which more than 27 major and minor stremas are originated.

The situation is getting grim with every passing day. Community members fear that if the sitaution continues, they would have to give up on farming and animal rearing, which would cause them a major economic breakdown.

It is high time that authorities and community members come together to solve an issue like this, which is a looming danger ahead. Combining traditional knowledge of the communities with advanced modern technology, we can build a future with free flowing streams providing social and economic resilienece to communities.